stone cottage

stone cottage

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More Thoughts About Using The Wand

Sometimes a picture of you, as a wise magician, twirling a wand and having an effect on a problem can be helpful.  I have started a fairly complex project that is not even well defined yet and I find that fear (in the guise of tiredness, being too busy, becoming fog headed) is raising its ugly head.  I was able to get some energy to persist in my work by twirling a figurative wand and banishing the fear for a bit.  Part of what helped was the idea of the twirl--some problems that need to be solved are complex and you have to drill down into them.  Feel free to use visualization to put on wizard robes and use a wand to get your mind into a good place anytime you need too.  Wands can also be used to bring light, or clarity, to a problem that you are working on.  Do not run.  Do not hold back.  Do not look for rescue.  Be your own magician and persist in solving the problem, in causing change.  It is fine to get help from friends.  But you are the prime force in your magic.  Stand up and twirl that wand with authority.  Cause the change you want.  May the spark be with you.