stone cottage

stone cottage

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thimble Farm

This stone cottage is where Tom Thimble grew up.  He brought his bride, Gerda, here and they grew old together.  Gerda was raised to be afraid of fairies.  Later she came to love them.  This cottage had to be abandoned and another one was built as a result of an evil flood.  Tom loves to farm.  One day a squirrel asked him if he could teach the squirrel to farm.  Tom told the squirrel that he didn't think the squirrel could stay still long enough to pay attention and that many trees were growing from squirrels planting acorns then forgetting where they had buried them.  They squirrel flashed his tail in Tom's face and ran off.  At first, in Thimblewyck:The Origins, not all animals and humans can talk to each other.  But eventually communication becomes easy between all the creatures.  I think it is a scandal that the lilac bush is no longer by the side of the door.  But Gerda did make sure there was one at the newer cottage.

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