stone cottage

stone cottage

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Who spreads the best gossip around?

I am Delbert and I do my best to keep all up to date.  I recently heard that fairies were known to hitch rides on bees.  That is an unfounded rumor.  Bees are way too busy to spend time riding around with fairies.  Well, actually, the fairies of Thimblewyck are a little too big to ride on our back.  They are big enough to curl up on Farmer Thimble's palm or ride on his shoulder.  That is about the same size as his daughter Lina.  That's why she was so happy to meet the fairies, to find out someone else was her size.  Did you know that fairies can seem to be very big?  Most are masters of illusion.  They are small and can be invisible.  But they can seem to be huge, or other creatures.  It's amazing.  Other than those powers fairies are different from each other in the special powers they have.  I'll let you in on the secret of more about that later.  Keep buzzing.

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